Shed 2/5 Industrial Rd, Gatton Qld 4343
Call us: 0499 422 551

6 x 4ft Custom Aluminium Trailer

6 x 4ft Aluminium Custom Trailer

This is another example of a unique design trailer specifically to suit our customer’s needs.

6 x 4ft Custom made Aluminium Trailer with a Tare weight of 220 kg and an ATM of 750 kg.

500mm high sides and front and rear opening gates, special 16 inch wheels and facility for framework to house a camper unit.

Great for those small cars with a very limited towing capacity. A very unique trailer, and another example of individual design by Lockyer Trailers.

We look forward to providing all future customers with a need for a custom trailer, the very best of design, quality and service.

Whatever your needs and design criteria, don’t hesitate to give Derek a call on 0499 422 551 or send details by contacting us to discuss your specialised and custom trailer requirements.

Lockyer Trailers is proud to offer you this customised trailer construction service and welcomes your enquiry.

For further details, design and costing please contact Derek via this website or mobile 0499 422 551.

Do you have any questions? We are here to help.