Lockyer Trailers offers the expertise in design, redesign and fabrication of special-purpose trailers to suit individual needs.
Whatever your needs and design criteria, don’t hesitate to give Derek a call on 0499 422 551 or send details by contacting us to discuss your specialised trailer requirements.
Proudly Australian-owned and operated, Lockyer Trailers specialises in custom trailer solutions tailored to meet your specific needs. Crafted with precision and care, we ensure quality and durability in every trailer.
Monday to Friday – 8:00am – 5:30pm
Saturday – 8.30am – 1pm
For your convenience, we are happy to assist outside of these hours, so please call to arrange a specific appointment.
If for whatever reason during opening hours our site is unattended, please phone 0408 716 062 as we may be only moments away.
All prices are GST inclusive.